horny oma from books.google.com
... horny ( ? ) oma ) , O. De Crespigni , Adams ( Plectostoma ) , has a conical spire , and the apical whorls are not excentric to the axis of the lower whorls , as they are in the ovate spire of 0. Nilgirica . Distribution , 5 species ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... oma tumor) keratosis horny or corneal condition: akeratosis (deficiency of the horny tissue) (a privative) dyskeratosis {dyskeratotic} (dys abnormal) hyperkeratosis (hyper above) hypokeratosis (hypo under) parakeratosis (para alongside) ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... oma], a vascular, horny neoplasm on the skin, characterized by clumps of dilated blood vessels, clusters of verrucae, and thickening of the epidermis, especially the scrotum and the dorsal aspect of the fingers and toes. angiokeratoma ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... oma], a vascular, horny neoplasm on the skin, characterized by clumps of dilated blood vessels, clusters of verrucae, and thickening of the epidermis, especially the scrotum and the dorsal aspect of the fingers and toes. angiokeratoma ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... oma], a vascular, horny neoplasm on the skin, characterized by clumps of dilated blood vessels, clusters of verrucae, and thickening of the epidermis, especially the scrotum and the dorsal aspect of the fingers and toes. angiokeratoma ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... horny tissue ( e.g. , fingernails , ker - a - to - path - i - a ( ker'ă - tō ... ōma , growth ] ker - a - tol - y - sis ( ker - ă - tol'i - sis ) 1. Separation ... oma , tumor ] ker - a - to - ma - la - cia ( ker'ǎ - to - mă - la'shē - ǎ ) ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... horny tissue. A person with a skin lesion in which there is overgrowth and thickening ofthe epidermis most likely would be diagnosed with. / ______. 3–41 A kerat/oma is a horny. , also called ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... horny layer of the epidermis . ceratoma ( ser - a - to'mä ) , n .; pl . ceratomata ( -ma - tä ) . [ NL . , Gr . Képаç ( KEраT- ) , horn , + -oma . ] A horny growth . Also spelled kera- ceratomalacia ( ser " a - to - ma - la'si - ä ) , n ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... oma . ] A horny growth . Also spelled kera- ceratinous ( ser - at'i - nus ) , a . [ Gr . Kepáτivos , of horn , < Képаç ( KEраT- ) , horn . ] Having a horny structure or consistency . Ceratiomyxa ( se - rat # i - o - mik'sä ) , n . [ NL ...
horny oma from books.google.com
... oma . ] A horny growth . Also spelled kera- ceratinous ( ser - at'i - nus ) , a . [ Gr . Kεpáτivos , of horn , < KÉрaç ( KEраT- ) , horn . ] Having a horny structure or consistency . Ceratiomyxa ( se - rat " i - o - mik'sä ) , n . [ NL ...